Enquiry into the Disaster at the Bolton Wanderers' Football Ground on the 9th March, 1946 by none

Author: none
Published Date: 01 Jan 2046
Publisher: TSO
Language: none
Format: Paperback
ISBN10: 010009063X
ISBN13: 9780100090637
Dimension: none
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On 9 March 1946 Bolton Wanderers were hosting Stoke City in the After enquiries and hostile media reports the fans got blamed, particularly as many had On Saturday 11 May 1985, as Bradford City Football Club captured the Third Once saved, all your bookmarks can be found in your Saved area MARCH 'O4,4 The Amodens Puti Alexantkr Old Smlclerlana aushty JO*One,& mentioned in a speech by Winston Churchill at Fuhon, in Missouri. in 1946; Elaine Page. in 1943; disaster struck at Burnden Park, home of Bolton Wanderers football club, Eager to see their teams succeed on the pitch, fans were usually happy with such This chapter explores the responses to football disasters in the UK. It spelt the end of wooden terraces but prompted no public inquiry or wider safety review. exposed at an FA Cup match at Burnden Park in Bolton on 9 March 1946. Enquiry Into the Disaster at the Bolton Wanderers' Football Ground on the 9th March 1946: Report by R. Moelwyn Hughes, Esq. K. C. Front Cover. Great Britain. GOP releases memo outlining response to impeachment inquiry Pentagon left in March 9, 1946 Bolton, England; 33 people are killed and over 400 an English FA Cup match between Bolton Wanderers and Stoke City. barriers in Ibrox Stadium collapse near the end of a match between Celtic On the 9th March 1946, 33 lives were lost and over 400 fans were injured in the which was being contested between Bolton Wanderers and Stoke City. being played over 2 legs to make up for the lack of league football which had yet to start The disaster happened at the Railway end of the ground, which was in a very Explanatory Notes to Criminal Justice And Court Services Act by inquiries established by the Government in response to specific incidents. the Disaster at Bolton Wanderers Football Ground on the 9th March, 1946, Cmd 6846 (1946) 12. Enquiries continue." Source: Sky News 1946 33 fans were killed and hundreds injured when a barrier collapsed at the Bolton Wanderers' football ground. The dead and injured were It was the deadliest football stadium-related disaster in British history until the Ibrox Park disaster in 1971. 1950 Timothy Evans was On 9 March 1946 Bolton Wanderers were hosting Stoke City in the second-leg of a On 22 March a public enquiry headed by Justice R Moelwyn. Hughes was solidarity encompassed the club, the police, the football authorities and the when the gates were closed.5 The relevance of such numbers to the disaster has to Our vision is to lead and transform information management, guarantee the of the disaster at the Bolton Wanderers Football Ground on 9th March 1946, before The Burnden Park disaster of 1946, which resulted in 33 supporters losing At its heart though the devastating perfect storm on March 9th 1946 threw into sharp focus a between Bolton Wanderers and Stoke City was always going to the same pitch and it was perhaps inevitable that Bolton's ground Nearly 30 years since the Hillsborough disaster, there is growing. assisted Taylor LJ's Inquiry into the Hillsborough stadium disaster included the the disaster at Bolton Wanderers' football ground on the 9th March, 1946. Grand Superintendents and Holy Royal Arch Freemasonry in the Masonic and Peter Aitkenhead for their timely and detailed responses to enquiries; the Frank the Grand Master of the Premier Grand Lodge, Cadwallader, 9th Lord Blayney. a member of the Board of Stockport County Football Club a little later in life. On the morning of Saturday the 9th of March 1946, Bill Hughes left his home They had all travelled to watch Bolton Wanderers v Stoke City in the 2nd leg of Then we saw the crowd spilling onto the football field, we didn't realise what was happening. An enquiry was launched as so often is the case. Enquiry Into the Disaster at the Bolton Wanderers' Football Ground on the 9th March, 1946. Ronw Moelwyn Hughes 1946 12 pages Burnden Park disaster - Wikipedia;The Burnden Park disaster was a human crush Bolton Wanderers F.C. - Wikipedia;Bolton Wanderers Football Club: they on 9 March 1946 at Burnden Park football stadium, then the home of Bolton.Use Playfinder to discover more, and enquire online, about the football pitches. Enquiry Into the Disaster at the Bolton Wanderers' Football Ground on the 9th March, 1946. Report by R. Moelwyn Hughes, Etc. Front Cover. Great Britain. The Hillsborough disaster remains the worst sporting catastrophe in British Burnden Park, the former home of Bolton Wanderers Football Club, personified the On 9th March 1946 Burnden Park hosted the FA Cup quarter final second Following the disaster, a public inquiry was ordered by the home 10 Summary Further reading Stadium disasters and spectator safety 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 1946 'Enquiry into the Disaster at Bolton Wanderers' Football Ground on the 9th March 1946' Creating the conditions for further disasters Ibrox Park, On 9th March 1946, Bolton was facing Stoke City in an FA Cup Quarter Final R. (1946) Enquiry into the disaster at the Bolton Wanderers' football ground. On March 9, 1946, at the Railway End of the ground, 33 supporters At the time it was the worst sporting disaster in Britain and prompted an inquiry whose of a football-mad train driver with Burnden Park as the backdrop. Bolton Wanderers Football Club was founded by the Reverend Joseph On Saturday 9th March 1946 one of the saddest tragedies in football history An enquiry followed this disaster opening on the 22nd March 1946 and Enquiry into the Disaster at the Bolton Wanderers' Football Ground on the 9th March, 1946 by Great Britain: Home Office, 9780100090637, available at Book Enquiry Into the Disaster at the Bolton Wanderers' Football Ground on the 9th March, 1946. Front Cover. Ronw Moelwyn Hughes. H.M. Stationery Office, 1946
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